Charlotte Pro League Sponsorship

The Pro League depends on the generosity of community minded companies and individuals who, in turn, are recognized throughout the June- August Pro League season as supporters of the Charlotte tennis community. 

Sponsorship fees, combined with player entry fees, provide funds for prize money, team shirts, league administration, special social events, posters and other related expenses. A portion of the proceeds from Pro League operations are shared with the designated charitable association. The past several years, the Charlotte Tennis Association has donated funds to the Charlotte Special Olympics and Wheel Serve NC to assist with their great year-round tennis programming.

Sponsorship fees must be received by the posted date of the Draft event. With the exception of the Presenting Sponsor, categories are not exclusive, i.e., more than one company or service within the same or similar business sector may sponsor at any level.

PRESENTING Sponsor                                     $3,000 and above

LEAGUE Sponsors (Men’s Division)              $1,750 and above

LEAGUE Sponsors (Women’s Division)       $875 and above

TEAM Sponsors (Men’s Division)                   $700 and above

TEAM Sponsors (Women’s Division)            $350 and above

SUPPORTING Sponsors                                   $250 and above


  • Primary name association with the league. For example: Pro League, presented by ABC Company.
  • Name/logo on all materials used in association with the promotion and execution of the Pro League, including primary position and size on all team shirts, posters, flyers and emails.
  • One 3×5 foot company-provided banner displayed court side for the Opening Night matches and Finals matches.
  • Name/logo recognition on the Charlotte Tennis Association website and Facebook page; and other special promotions that the company wishes to conduct in conjunction with Pro League matches.
  • Name recognition at the start of each team match at each host site.
  • Invitations to and recognition at any scheduled Pro League socials or events.

LEAGUE Sponsors:

  • Name/logo on all materials used in association with the promotion and execution of the Pro League, including secondary position and size on all team shirts, posters, flyers and emails.
  • Name/logo recognition on the Charlotte Tennis Association website and Facebook page; and other special promotions that the company wishes to conduct in conjunction with Pro League matches.
  • Name recognition at the start of each team match at each host site.
  • Invitations to and recognition at any scheduled Pro League socials or events.

TEAM Sponsors:

  • Name association with one team. Team sponsors may work with the Pro League Committee to pick the sponsored team.
  • Name/logo on all materials used in association with the promotion and execution of the league, including tertiary position and size on all team shirts, posters, flyers and emails.
  • Name/logo recognition on the Charlotte Tennis Association website and Facebook page;  and other special promotions that the company wishes to conduct in conjunction with Pro League matches.
  • Name recognition at the start of each team match at each home site.
  • Invitations to and recognition at any scheduled Pro League socials or events.


  • Name/logo on materials used in association with the promotion and execution of the league, including minor position on league schedule and roster publications.
  • Invitations to and recognition at any scheduled Pro League socials or events.

For additional sponsorship more information email, please contact:
Chad York, Charlotte Pro League Coordinator