Tennis continues to be one of the fastest growing traditional sports, not only nationally but also locally. Over the past ten years, USTA membership growth and participation in the Greater Charlotte area significantly outpaced national growth. Over the past ten years, program participation increased over 100%!
Given this explosive growth, the Charlotte Tennis Association offers a wide range of options for tennis enthusiasts of all ages and abilities. The Charlotte Tennis Association, in conjunction with USTA and area private and public tennis facilities, continually strives to deliver high quality tennis activities for the Charlotte community.
USTA Adult League Tennis
The Charlotte Tennis Association coordinates year-round USTA League play for adults of all ages and skill levels. The Charlotte USTA League programs continue to grow each year with over 14,000 registrations. Click on the links below for detailed information on USTA League programs, including: dates and deadlines, days of play, match formats, fees, and how to organize and create a team or join a team.
Charlotte Pro League
During the summer months, the Charlotte Tennis Association organizes the Pro League, which features the best players in Charlotte, including former professional and collegiate players. Players at the 5.0 and above level are drafted to teams and compete at rotating venues in the Charlotte area. Tennis enthusiasts are invited to come out and watch the high-level spirited competition.
Tennis On Tap
Young adults age 21 to 30ish are invited to join us on Thursday evenings for fun, social and healthy competition. Meet new people and make new friends while keeping active and improving your game.
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